Our Leadership Team
White Dress Photoshoot at Lake Merritt, Oakland by Cybil A. Fresnido-Patz
Professora Foquinha
Hello and welcome! My capoeira nickname is Foquinha (meaning Little Seal), and I am part of the team that leads capoeira classes in West Oakland. I discovered capoeira back in 2001, when I realized that capoeira was something that I wanted to do for life.
I give thanks to Capoeira because it’s given me the closest of friends, and the opportunity to travel and to have family in whatever cities there is capoeira.
I also realize that I am one of the few female teachers that teach and run their own groups. I consider myself lucky to have an influential and bad ass female teacher, Formanda Joy in NYC. Capoeira is historically led by males, and I see the benefit of both male and female leadership in continuing traditions in this beautiful art form as well as pushing the boundaries and being part of the natural evolution of art.
As a teacher, I take the body and its form very seriously. Capoeira pushes us to challenge ourselves to take our bodies to new places, and I also advocate for health and longevity. My classes blend conditioning, partner work, acrobatics, music, and alignment. My other life is as a nutrition coach and fitness teacher. You can follow me through my website at thenourishedbelly.com or my nutrition instagram account: @thenourishedbelly.
All levels are welcome, and I hope to see you in the next class.
Tuning the atabaque at our West Oakland academy
Professora Borracha
My capoeira journey began when I moved to NYC in 2000. I had heard of the art form before then (as many folks did!) through the video game Tekken. But when I moved to NY and ran into a real roda on my college campus, I knew I had found something life-changing.
I received my first cord from Mestre Acordeon and Mestra Suelly in 2002 (UCA Berkeley). My capoeira nickname, "Borracha," was given to me by Mestre Ra. It means "rubber" and was a reference to my many years of dance training and flexibility.
In 2004, a series of unlikely events dropped me in the lap of Grupo Capoeira Brasil. I trained under Formanda Joy and Formando Tuzinho for the next 9 years in NY. When I left for graduate school in 2013 I started teaching, while continuing my own training with Formada Colibri.
Since moving back to the Bay Area in 2015, I am lucky to be reunited with Professora Foquinha and Instrutora Bailarina -- my capoeira sisters from our early years in NY. Thanks to the hard work of both of these women, we now have a thriving branch of our NY group out here in the East Bay.
As a lifetime student and teacher, my love for capoeira runs deep. As capoeiristas we train far beyond the physical aspects of the art form and dig hungrily into the history, culture, music, language, and future of this art form. It is complex and rich - not one day goes by when I do not learn something new from capoeira. I strive to pass this richness on to my students so that they too see the value that capoeira and Afro-Brazilian culture have brought to our world, and so that they stay hungry and passionate about this art form for years to come.
Stringing a berimbau at Formado Aranha’s event in San Francisco
Professora Bailarina teaches our Foundations classes and often leads the beginner series.
Lorin King, or Professora Bailarina, began capoeira in 2003 with Grupo Capoeira Brasil under Professor Caveira while in graduate school in Boston. In 2004, she moved to New York and joined Formandos Coruja and Tuzinho of Capoeira Brasil NYC. She continues to be under their guidance. She is now a part of Capoeira Brasil East Bay.
Capoeira is an extraordinary art form whose improvisation style means that movements may be accommodated for any and all practioners. Capoeira is the fight for freedom and in that spirit Professora Bailarina teaches with strong belief that it is for everyone. Professora Bailarina believes in having a strong foundation in basics and solid technique.
In her other life, she is a K/1 teacher.
Rotating Instructors
Professor Sagui
Professor Sagui (center), seen here with Mestre Boneco (left), one of the three founding mestres of Capoeira Brasil, and Mestre Itabora (right), is a regular in class. Pre-pandemic, he also taught a weekly class in Richmond.
Graduado Papa Leguas
Graduado Papa Leguas (center) started his capoeira journey with CBEB in 2013. He loves being part of a community of like-minded people who train their mind, body, and spirit through the versatile martial arts form of capoeira. By day, his passion is running his acupuncture practice in east Oakland. You can find his practice here.